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We Help You Lose Stomach Fat, Build Muscle And Transform Your Physique.

Imagine The Peace Of Mind

You no longer have to worry about your health as you are taking consistent action to make yourself fitter, healthier & stronger.


Getting out of breath climbing one flight of stairs is a thing of the past.

Your Favourite Clothes
Fit Again.

You no longer have to dress to cover up your stomach or hide your neck. 


Your family & friends telling you that you look great rather than indirectly hinting at every gathering that you shouldn’t take the desert.

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You wake up every morning feeling energized, 

rather than sluggish & bloated from the greasy, sugary takeout you had last night which didn’t digest properly.


Your productivity reaches new levels.

We Can Help You Achieve This.

Here's what some of our clients have achieved

after joining our program.

Are You Ready To Get In The
Best Shape Of Your Life?

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Book Your Free Consultation Today With Our Head Coach To Find Out What You Need To Do.


That's What Our Clients Above Did.


You Can Also Be 40lbs Lighter, Fitter & Healthier In 3 Months.

But You Need To Take That First Step.

Here's What To Expect 
When You Sign Up...

We’ll Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals with Ease.

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Enjoy Simplified, Personalized Nutrition with Our Science-Backed Methods.

An Engaging Exercise Program That You Can Track With An Easy-To-Use, Seamless App.

All With An Expert Coach By Your Side Every Step of the Way.


Clean Eating Success System

Simplified Shopping Strategies

No more bland food that leaves you feeling unsatisfied, hungry and takes the whole evening to prepare. Our Clean Eating Success System will completely change your approach to 'dieting'


  • Learn how to make healthy & tasty meals that will leave you feeling full.

  • Access to 50+ recipes which take less than 20 minutes to prepare and are designed to maximize your fat loss.

  • Easy to use app to track all of your nutrition.

  • We provide a personalized dieting strategy to reduce your hunger & satisfy your cravings. 

  • Full video tutorials on how to make your meals & expected time to prepare for every meal.

  • Easy meal ideas you can prepare in bulk if you wish to save more time.

Cutting out that $25 weekly takeaway can already save you $100 across the month. 

Healthy eating really isn't that expensive when you know what to buy. We teach you the tricks to make healthy eating incredibly cheap, fast & effective.

  • Learn how to quickly buy cheap & healthy food for your weekly shop.

  • We provide a complete shopping list, exact costs & where to find foods.

  • Food shop live phone/facetime call if requested to guide you through your weekly shop.

  • Food shop lists provided at every price point.

Social Settings & Dieting 101

Life happens. Social event invites. Travelling for work or leisure. Family needs. These factors won't be an obstacle when you know how to navigate them.

  • We teach you how you can enjoy alcohol and say 'yes' to those weekend social plans whilst still getting in the best shape of your life.

  • We show you how to buy, prep & integrate healthy food ensuring your family life still runs seamlessly.

  • Learn how to eat on the go whilst travelling for work or leisure and still stay on track with your fat loss.

Never Regain Weight Again

Yo-yo dieting is a thing of the past. Our program requires just 12 weeks of commitment for lifelong results. 

  • Monthly check ins for 1 year post plan to help you stay on track & answer any questions you may have.

  • Discover our life changing nutrition  strategy which means you will lose weight and be able to maintain it forever.

  • We provide a comprehensive post plan weight maintenance strategy so you keep your results for life.



12 Week Training Program

Completely Personalized To Your Goals To Maximize Your Results & Transform Your Body.

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Individualized Training Times 

Individualized Training Times To Accommodate Your Work & Family Life.

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Fully Flexible Workouts

Workout Where You Prefer. We Can Get You In Incredible Shape Without You Having To Step Foot In A Gym.

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12 Week Training Program


Our training plan is individualized to ensure you are leaner, more muscular and healthier at the end of our 12 week program.

  • Learn what exercises you need to do to achieve your dream body

  • We tell you how often you should train

  • We tell you how hard you should train

  • We tell you how many sets & reps you should be doing per exercise

  • We tell you when you should progress your training 

  • Access to a easy to use fitness app to track all of your workouts

  • Videos showing you how to perform every exercise with perfect technique 

  • You have the option of sending exercise technique videos to your coach so they can ensure you are doing the exercise correctly to optimize your results

  • Every session is reviewed by your coach to ensure you are on track for the full 12 weeks & necessary changes are made  

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Individualized Training Times 

No more missed workouts. We help you build unbreakable consistency and sky rocket your motivation all whilst balancing the busy demands of life.

  • We create your plan around the time you have available to invest. Can only train 1 time per week? No problem. Want to train every day? We have you covered. We have a workout plan for every single schedule and they all guarantee results.

  • Daily messaging from your coach to keep you accountable and on track with your program

  • Learn the simple trick on how to never miss a workout after a long day at work.

  • We teach you the hack on how to make getting up early effortless.


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Flexible Workouts

Contrary to popular belief - you don't actually have to join a gym to get in shape. Whether you want to train in your living room, outdoors or a gym we will get you results. 

  • Learn how to get the body of your dreams without having to step foot in a gym & spend less than 20 minutes a day training.

  • Home, outdoor & gym workout plans available depending on your preference.

  • Short, medium & long workout options available. 15, 30, 45 & 60+ minute workouts so you can fit your training program around your life. 


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Daily Accountability

Struggle with discipline? We make things easier. Your coach will check through your training & nutrition plan daily to ensure you are always on the right track whilst taking all the guesswork out of getting in shape. We do the hard part for you.

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24/7 Access To A Trainer

With an in person trainer - you only get 1 to 2 hours per week. With our coaching program - you have 24/7 access to your coach to help get you in the best shape of your life. Have any questions answered instantly so you never have to wait when you are unsure about something.

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Progress Check Ins

As well as daily text support, we provide progress check ins. You choose how long/often they are depending on your schedule. Check ins can be done via facetime, audio call, text or email. We accommodate for what you prefer and provide you with monthly check ins for 1 year post plan to keep you in the best shape of your life.


Step By Step.


Book Your Free Consultation

Our head coach Anthony provides you with an in-depth health assessment & explains what you can change today to start dropping body fat instantly. This is done over a free telephone or facetime call depending on your preference. 


Personalized Exercise & Nutrition Program Screening

If you wish to join our 12 week summer shred transformation program after your free consultation call, we will gather further lifestyle information to help us design your personalized exercise & nutrition program.


Program Start

Once we have finalized your onboarding with the program (within 5 days of joining), we will set a starting date that suits you. You will then gain access to HubFit - a simple to use app where you have access to everything all in one place. You will have your individualized training & nutrition plan available so you are ready to go.


Check Ins & Accountability

Your coach will answer any questions you have prior to starting to ensure you are 100% confident with what you need to do to drop fat from day 1. Afterwards - you will have check ins with your coach as regular as you need them and daily accountability to ensure you have someone pushing you the entire way.


Achieve Your Goal 

Just like that - the 12 weeks are done and you are now looking in the mirror at the body you dreamed about when starting the program!


Post Plan Maintenance Strategy

This will be the last diet you ever have to do. We provide you with a comprehensive post diet maintenance strategy to keep the weight off and stay in great shape. 1-1 monthly check ins for 1 year post plan to keep you on the right path.


Anthony Smith 

Trainer & Physiotherapist With Over 11 Years Of Experience In The Gym.

Your Program Will Be Fully Designed & Led By Anthony For The Entire 12 Weeks.

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We realize that taking the first step and making a commitment like this can be challenging.


This is why we offer a 14 day 100% money back guarantee.

So if for whatever reason you are not satisfied with our program - you can request a full refund within 14 days of starting.

Best case scenario➡️You achieve the body of your dreams (our clients always do)

Worst case scenario➡️You decide it isn't for you and receive a full refund.

No risk. Everything to gain.

What is there to lose?


Here's What Some Of Our Other Clients Have Achieved After Joining Our Program.


Click Our Reviews To Read Them On Google Or Instagram.

  • How Do I Know The Program Will Work For Me?
    Check out our reviews and transformations to see who we've helped. We help people just like you. We've helped 9-5 office workers, busy dads balancing family life and self employed guys working 60+ hour weeks. We take all the guesswork out of the program to ensure you succeed. You just need to commit.
  • I Lack Discipline And Don’t Know If The Plan Will Be Worth It. What If It Is Too Difficult?
    We are there to support you all of the way. We will make discipline feel effortless for you. Maybe you tried to lose weight before and didn't succeed? With our methods & support it will be nearly impossible for you to fail. An expert coach in your corner for 12 weeks, every single day, to keep you accountable and push you towards achieving your fat loss goals. Those clients we have shown in our transformation also didn't believe they could be disciplined for 12 weeks. They soon realized they were wrong. We do realize that taking the first step and making a commitment like this can be challenging. You may be thinking there is an element of risk involved - which is completely normal to think. This is why we offer a 14 day 100% money back guarantee. ​ So if for whatever reason you are not satisfied with our program - you can request a full refund within 14 days of starting. ​ Best case scenario➡️You achieve the body of your dreams (our clients always do) Worst case scenario➡️You decide it isn't for you and receive a full refund. ​ No risk. Everything to gain. ​ What is there to lose?
  • I Am Really Busy And Don’t Know How Much Time I Can Commit To This - Will This Plan Still Work?
    Our plans are based around time efficiency and working around your schedule. That applies for training & nutrition We have short, medium & long workout options available. 15, 30, 45 & 60+ minute workouts so you can fit your training program around your life. Can only train 1 time per week? No problem. Want to train every day? We have you covered. We have a workout plan for every single schedule and they all guarantee results. Home, outdoor & gym workout plans available depending on your preference. We create your plan around the time you have available to invest. We will show you how to quickly buy & prepare healthy, nutritious meals so that you actually save time & money transitioning to a healthier diet. Get healthier. Save time. Save money. That's what our clients do on our program.
  • How Often Do I Have To Speak To My Coach And Is Everything Online?
    Our program is delivered completely online. With an in person trainer - you only get 1 to 2 hours per week which is only focused around training. These 1 to 2 hours per week can easily set you back $400 to $600 per month. With our coaching program - you have 24/7 access to your coach to help get you in the best shape of your life. Someone with you 1-1 for the whole journey. You have every aspect of training covered AND nutrition - something an in person trainer has a limited capacity to help you with. You will have any questions answered instantly so you never have to wait when you are unsure about something and you can have as much time with your coach as you need. You can get technique review check ins with your coach for every exercise you do to make sure you're completing exercises correctly. Better results and more cost effective than in person 1-1 training. We know what sounds the better option. As well as daily text support, we provide progress check ins. You choose how long/often they are depending on your schedule. Check ins can be done via facetime, audio call, text or email. We accommodate for what you prefer. Whether you prefer less frequent, shorter check ins or more frequent, longer check ins, we have you covered.
  • I Don’t Know If I Can Financially Commit To This?
    We offer weekly, monthly & up-front payment packages with our program. Furthermore, check out our 14-day money back guarantee above. This means you have absolutely nothing to lose and joining our program is completely risk free. You can do the first 14 days and if at any point you change your mind, you receive a full refund. 14 days free training. Not bad. On the other hand, if you love the results you're seeing and want to continue (which we think you will), then you get the body of your dreams. It's a win-win. If you're still unsure - think about all the expenses that are detrimental to your health which you could cut out. Here's a typical example below: Fast food - $50 a week Drinks in town - $80 every weekend Subscriptions that you don't use - $80 a month That's around $600 a month and there's possibly additional expenses not listed above.
  • I Have An Injury - Can I Still Join The Program?
    Our head coach Anthony is also a qualified physiotherapist who can adjust your training plan to navigate injuries & still get you results.
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